Title: Big circular room with Cybie
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/a-c/bcrwcd.zip
Size: 15.84 KB
Date: 01/13/16
Author: Topi Hattukangas
Description: Inspired by /newstuff & /idgames FAQ part 22. Soften him with BFG and finish him with rockets. Feel free to try shotgun and berserk punch. Note: E1M1 is just bunch of rooms spelling "E2M8"
Credits: The guy who wrote that part in FAQ.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 nights
Editor(s) used: Doom builder 2
Rating: (5 votes)
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Very simple but original. Visuals are null but it's not that important here. Such maps are usually not my cup of tea but among gimmick maps this one is pretty darn good.x
I liked the part with the cyberdemonx

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