Title: Gore
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/g-i/gorem1m2.zip
Size: 637.23 KB
Date: 01/29/19
Author: Chris Hansen
Description: 2 maps for Ult. Doom. Both of them losely based on episode 1 and 2 respectively.

They aren't vanilla compatible but instead use a few of the available Boom options to give a few more options mostly in terms of trigger effects, behaviour etc.
Credits: Kyle Dobson - midi for M1 James "Jimmy" Paddock - midi for M2 Mechadon for the skies. Olroda for the palette (jovian palette) Paul Corfiatis for advice and help
Base: d on episode 1 and 2 respectively.

They aren't vanilla compatible but instead use a few of the available Boom options to give a few more options mostly in terms of trigger effects, behaviour etc.
Build time: 1 year
Editor(s) used: GZdoombuilder, Slade, Paint.net, zokumBSP, Whacked4
Bugs: Unknown
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