Title: DM-Deck1
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/Ports/d-f/dm-deck1.zip
Size: 36.83 KB
Date: 05/14/08
Author: alien8
Description: "The team of engineers and construction personnel behind the deathmatch facility Deck16 were but a wet spot in their parents' bed when the sounds of plasma cannons and rocket launchers were echoing the dark corridors of Deck1!"
Credits: Eliot 'Myscha' Canon for the original Deck16 concept, Afterglow (https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/) for the two textures, John Romero (https://rome.ro/) for releasing a zip file of previously cancelled and unreleased midis from Doom 1 and 2, of which I used one of the tracks.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Not really sure, actually. 10 or 12 hours, including the time taken to learn various editors and the engine's capabilities.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68 and XWE 1.16
Bugs: There is one unclosed sector (44, I believe) that I don't know how to fix. Doesn't seem to be causing any issues, though - no HOM or Other Bad Things.
Rating: (2 votes)
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This was an okay map for death match. 3/5.-Candle Mx
It feels so... Unreal.x

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