Title: Bridges
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/a-c/bridges.zip
Size: 23.25 KB
Date: 02/01/96
Author: Newell L. Rose
Description: Focused on overcoming the non-3d aspects of the doom engine. This deathmatch arena includes multilevel crossover steping stones. All the weapons are here, but BFG is tough to get to. Plenty of ammo for a gorefest. If you find backpack by searching, I'm impressed. Small enough there is little hunting with two players, but large enough 4 shouldn't trip over each other.
Base: Inspired by dietdoom.wad but built from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU in various versions
Bugs: Very Rare snags, because it pushes the limit of nodes the builder and engine.
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