Title: GG
Filename: levels/doom/g-i/gg.zip
Size: 6.67 KB
Date: 09/16/94
Author: Garret L. Simpson
Description: Play it and see... My first level, not too complicated.
Credits: NA
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21
Rating: (4 votes)
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Minimalistic, but pretty ok. Only one small battle.x
What little there is of the level is cute - it's a small Lego house sitting in some nukage - but as the other reviewers have pointed out it is tiny. There are eight lost souls in a downstairs room and a pair of cacodemons in the upstairs rooms. It has doors, windows, and an exit, and on that level it's competent, but there's almost nothing to it.x
Just a little building with a shotgun and some cacodemons and lost souls. Very short, not very fun or interesting. You can safely skip this map.x
I've seen worse, but this is utterly pointless. The passage "not too complicated" found in the .txt has to be one of the biggest understatements in Dooming history. --1/5x

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