Title: 4bwad
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/4bwad.zip
Size: 724.02 KB
Date: 05/12/24
Author: besus, billa, ravendesk
Description: A birthday mapset for 4shockblast. All maps are made to be beaten by 4shock's famous demos. The zip includes the original demos and also demos with map slot edited to be played back with the 4bwad.wad.

Compatibility: Doom2 (-complevel 2).

Map & music list:

Map 01 - 4entryway by Ravendesk Doom 2 Map 01 UV-Pacifist 0:04.97 demo UV-MAXes this map Music - D_RUNNIN

Map 02 - 4 shock tank action by Billa thissuxx Map 16 UV-Stroller 0:08.94 demo UV-Tanks this map Music - polyrhythm_experiment.mid by robert inventor

here be avjs by Ravendesk Doom 2 Map 01 NM-Speed 0:05.23 demo is also a NM-Speed demo for this map Music - Watch Your Step from OSRS

Map 04 - this still suxx by Ravendesk thissuxx Map 06 UV-MAX in 0:10.66 also UV-MAXes this map Music - chiggity_update.mid by ribbiks

Map 05 - stop fucking making obstacle courses and call it a map by besus Music - stfcasodw.mid - "speed" midi by besus

Map 06 - 4shots and a blast by besus Doom 2 Map 01 UV-MAX in 0:37.43 makes a UV-MAX movie for maps 05 and 06 Music - sic_em_boy.mid by ribbiks

Map 07 - hap bday 4shock! Many 4shock's demos exit this map, try to find them all! Music - 18_MusicBox.mid by ribbiks

Title screen - Witching from OSRS Intermission screen - motorcycle theme from Crash Bandicoot 3 Intertext screen - The Fat Lady Sings from OSRS
Credits: Textures & Sprites: 32in24-15_tex_v2
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few weeks
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, Paint.net
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