Title: ALPHA: One Nerd And His Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/a-onahd.zip
Size: 2.68 MB
Date: 04/19/03
Author: Hyena
Description: This wad is the prequel to GAMMA. I implied that the story would make sense once you played the prequel, so here's the story: Colonel Burlap, Linguica's commanding officer and long time friend has asked him to reclaim the denture factory that has been overrun by demons. Something's fishy here. Luckily he installed a psychic data link into his forehead that allows him to communicate telepathically through computer terminals. Oh and his girlfriend Alyssa went missing.
Credits: Linguica, for not giving me any permission to use his name in my story but here he is anyway. Also thanks for not objecting yet.

Andres Bordeu, Carlos Bordeu, and Edmundo Bordeu, for similarly not giving me any permission to steal one of their little dehacked tricks. Thank you three also for not objecting yet.

Silverwyvern, who was nice enough to supply the voice of Alyssa.

Family Guy; The main map01 music is the theme song to the show, and part of episode 102.

Flying Dragon, an NES game which I stole two music samples from.

One Man And His Droid, a commodore game that inspired the title and provided some of the music.
Base: New from scratch / Modified (name of original file)
Build time: Not very long
Editor(s) used: Deepsea, Cool Edit, MS Paint, ACC
Bugs: Well, the family guy music skips at two places: "on which we used to rely" and "the enterprise has just discovered a strange new planet" Also, on occasion the chainsaw gun doesn't fire properly. This happens very rarely. Hit the trigger again and it should work fine. A lot of jumping is required. Using the weapon cheat can get you trapped. DON'T DO IT.
Rating: (27 votes)
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