Title: All Bloody Crackle RC1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/albldcrk.zip
Size: 941.64 KB
Date: 08/31/24
Author: Alexsa2015sa
Description: All Bloody Crackle is a set of seven Boom CL-9 maps. The mapset was compiled from loose standalone maps and two maps for a community project that sort of died, yet the maps have all been united by a similar theme so it actually makes sense.

Five maps are normal-sized in preparation for MAP06 marathon and as a palate cleanser MAP07 is pretty much a single arena fight. MAP01-05 and MAP06 each take 40-50 minutes to play through.
Credits: id software (Doom & Doom2)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~2 months in total
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3
Bugs: Unknown
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