Title: |
A N D Y D M 1 |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/andydm1.zip |
Size: |
157.46 KB |
Date: |
07/24/01 |
Author: |
Description: |
A small urban style level which I have tried to make look like Edinburgh, Scotland. There are some real 3D features which need Doom Legacy to work. Designed mainly for Deathmatch, but as usual I put some monsters in for for target practice, and to provide fun during testing. |
Credits: |
Alastair Montgomery (Big Al) from http://www.doomheaven.co.uk A good friend, he has helped me to test and distribute my wads, even the ones I dont want distributed.
Amritpal Notta (AP) from www.bollywoodheaven.com, Apart from being a good friend, he supplied me with a second PC to test my deathmatch levels, a 56K modem and a CD writer, and a 2 GIG hard drive, among other things.
The authors of DETH, WINTEX, NWT and BSP, my editors of choice.
id Software for creating the greatest computer game ever.
The DOOM LEGACY team for making the greatest game even better
JASC software for making PAINT SHOP PRO, the best image manipulation program.
============================================================================= |
Base: |
designed from scratch |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(1 vote)
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| It's very good looking, although it falls between two stools; it's too complex to be a decent deathmatch level but there's nowhere near enough for it to be a solo level. The real-world-style, textures and sky are very good, though, although it looks more like Venice than Edinburgh. | x |
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