Title: Angry Quilt
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/angryquilt.zip
Size: 251.16 KB
Date: 07/26/21
Author: MidnightMage, Pistoolkip, VisionThing, Vaeros, Jark,Worriedidiot, thelamp, ketmar, DynamiteKaitorn,
Description: It started as a Doom Community Social Experiment. There are 16 squares, which can be selected by individual members of the community.
Credits: MidnightMage, Syndoom for the great midi, Pistoolkip for compiling and generally handling updates, VisionThing, Vaeros, Jark,Worriedidiot, thelamp, ketmar, DynamiteKaitorn, Doomkid, Mr. Freeze, Czerny399, Wavy, CBM, JustCallMeKaito
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a couple weeks
Editor(s) used: several
Bugs: there hopefully aren't any
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