Title: Hell Assault
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/assault.zip
Size: 779.08 KB
Date: 12/22/03
Author: Taisto Valdlo (mephisto) Mikk Tivas (ryrayer)
Description: We decided to make some levels, and then put them together. These levels are small/medium size levels that are easy at the beggining and a lot of challenge at the end. We tried to make them well-detailed, and we succeded in most part. Some levels use ACS and some don't. Also the first map has got some nice ambient sounds.
Credits: Randy Heit for his amazing work with ZDoom, Doomworld for being the best DOOM site out there Everyone else
Base: Scratch
Build time: About 3 weeks
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor, DeepSea
Bugs: None (Hopefully...)
Rating: (13 votes)
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very coolx
Average wad, nothing that good and nothing that bad either 3/4/07x
4/5 Why ? Simplicity. The map doesnt try to be something its not. The author did the best he could which is quite good. There are better more pretty maps but this one strke a neat balance. Gameplay, and looks. Very classic feel!x
The wad is quite good. 4/5x
heh age of empires 1 musicx
I enjoyed the levels. The last level was fantastic, new monster (final boss), EXCELLENT MUSIC (5/5 just for the music of level 8). Scripting was only in one level (the second one) 5 starts out of 5 possible.x
Average WAD. Got good feelings while playing. Maybe too easy... didn't get any hits during the wad ;)x

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