Title: Axolotl
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/axolotl.zip
Size: 2.73 MB
Date: 10/09/21
Author: Wibbitz (AKA Xyzzy01)
Description: 11 narrowly playable gimmickmap vignettes made over the course of two months (a map a day but long breaks between each map to prepare the resources and such). If you're on the fence about Xyzzymaps in general don't even bother downloading this.
Credits: Esselfortium for sexy textures! Ribbiks and rd for music, Scypek2 for the piranhas sign, Fraggle for the portable exit switch, Mike12 for the rifle sprites, Aurelius for the amazing smoooth weapon edits for said rifle, Ubisoft for the rifle sound, Nine Inch Heels for the skill level names, Grain of Salt and Rubbers for inspiring me to take a break from working on my mega-cool-and-whatnot solo project to make what originally started off as dailyxyz.wad, antares031 for inspiring me to take a break from working on my mega-cool-and-whatnot solo project to make something akin to Ludicrium as well as helping me to fix an issue with the cacodemons in MAP06, everyone who worked on DSDA-Doom and MBF21, anyone else I failed to credit!
Base: New
Build time: More or less one day for each map, spare time from each map put into developing MAP09.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, MS Paint
Bugs: Players die a lot. You can get stuck in MAP05, but I decided to Leave It In (tm). You've been warned. If the Mac version of the WAD doesn't run, try loading it in some image editing software.
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