Title: Black Diamond Ranch
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bdr.zip
Size: 25.56 KB
Date: 09/04/04
Author: Assphalt
Credits: None, I hate credits anyway
Base: From Scratch
Build time: 30 mins.
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Rating: (6 votes)
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A short map, with some bugs and design flaws. One of the traps - which is supposed to have teleporting monsters - doesn't work at all. It is completely kludged and you have to jump to get the blue key. The monsters don't teleport. The stairs leading to the exit are poorly designed; you can't walk back down them because the ceiling is too low. There's a section of the map you can't reach. Once you find the chainsaw the map becomes trivial. The effort spent on designing the logo was wasted.x
Too small, too easy, nothing special.x
Assphalt: You're right, it is a quickie, but do you like the detail?x
Nice and hard quickie. But that's one problem, it's just a quickie. I hope the next one is larger and less cramped.x
The level is way too cramped, I think the author needs to practice more with proportions and size. I liked the layout though, it was nice but it could have been a bit bigger.x

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