Title: Bloody Rust
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bludrust.zip
Size: 977.85 KB
Date: 02/13/16
Author: FireFish, Flesh420, nxGangrel, AD_79, Jaws In Space, vectomon, Du Mhan Yhu
Description: A small community project where the maps are reminiscent of a rusting, aging, tech environment.
Credits: Plums for the sky texture, Jaws In Space for the Status Bar, KevinHEZ for Midis
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 10 months
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: If I'd know about them I'd have fixed them :P
Rating: (20 votes)
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Sick wad.x
It's OK, not badx
Very good maps with good challenge and good visuals. All is very good.x
One of the most pleasant wads out there.x

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