Title: Maps that came from a dream
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dreammaps.zip
Size: 1.76 MB
Date: 01/04/23
Author: Axuris
Description: Three maps based on those I saw in a dream.
Credits: id software, Pascal (CodeImp) vd Heiden for Doom Builder, Simon (sirjuddington) Judd for Slade, Doomworld for testing and feedback ======================================= Resource credits: Textures: Alien Vendetta, Deus Vult II

Music: Intermission: "Atcoty" by Kevin Schilder (Heretic) MAP01: "Briefing" from Descent II MAP02: "Taking the Death Toll" by Bobby Prince (Duke Nukem 3D) MAP03: "279.mid" by Rachel "Negatronica" Schmitz
Base: New from scratch
Build time: around 4 hours
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3
Bugs: None that I know of
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