Title: HaloGen
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/halogen.zip
Size: 1.55 MB
Date: 08/31/24
Author: J-Force
Description: HaloGen is a Doom 2 miniwad consisting of 6 challenging maps. Each Map is forced pistol start (Player will die upon finishing each map) This wad is limit removing so it provides a tough Vanilla style classic Doom 2 experience.
Credits: Maple Leaf Fall: Playtesting. Midis: Crunchynut44, Josephus `DH4050` Astartes, Jeremy Soule, Korp, Kevin Martins (Velvetic) and Stewboy!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 07/19/2024 - 08/22/2024 (34 days)
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade 3.
Bugs: Certain things can be reached by "rocket jumping" which may potentially break a map.
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