Title: Hydrosphere
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hydrosphere.zip
Size: 6.06 MB
Date: 05/15/22
Author: Brian "Bri" Irving
Description: The demons, parched from the hot fires of hell, try to take the UAC Hydrosphere facility for its supply of cool water.

A series of short tech base/water themed maps. Gameplay mostly consists of a power trip style blast-fest.

Levels can be pistol started or played continuously.
Credits: Dragonfly https://www.dfdoom.com/midi-music/

Music Listing: Title - "Soaring" MAP01 - "Acceleration" MAP02 - "Celestial" MAP03 - "Tapes Had Side A and Side B So It Makes Sense the Successor Was Called The CD" MAP04 - "Sludge" MAP05 - "Strictly Plate-Tonic Forking" MAP06 - "Do Not The Horse (Horseless Version)"

Primary textures used jimmytex.wad Other textures used 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad rfhelltx.wad

Tree and bush sprites Jaska

Green Plasma Gun by xvertigox

Title graphic and edited UAC textures Brian Irving

Palette 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad palette

Sound effects Doom Eternal, Doom 3
Base: None, built from scratch Build Time 3 months Editors used Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3 Build Format Boom (-complevel 9) Tested With DSDA 0.21.3, GZDoom 4.7.1
Build time: 3 months Editors used Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3 Build Format Boom (-complevel 9) Tested With DSDA 0.21.3, GZDoom 4.7.1
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3 Build Format Boom (-complevel 9) Tested With DSDA 0.21.3, GZDoom 4.7.1
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