Title: Hypothermia
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hypothermia.zip
Size: 15.62 MB
Date: 09/02/24
Author: Fryuko
Description: Hypothermia is a short slaughter wad for boom(complevel 9) that mainly uses icy themes.

I often included some smaller fights of this type in maps, but this was my first attempt at a full-scale slaughter experience.

The target gameplay is more traditional slaughter with big hordes.

Secrets are only used as easter eggs..

Difficulty settings are implemented! -HMP is just a toned-down UV with fewer monsters. -HNTR is renamed to; Imperturbable Journey. The monster count is greatly decreased, it is a fraction of the original one. Gameplay should mostly feel the same but without requiring much effort from the players. It's perfect for anyone who wants to play on autopilot and experience the levels.

The story is pretty simple: You just woke up from your cryo sleep and realized, that the whole base situated on the moon of Pluto, Charon is overrun by demons. And this makes you angry
Credits: Ukiro - OTEX Textures - 40oz, supercupcaketactics Props - Captain Toenail, Esselfortium Monster sprites - Amuscaria, skillsaw, Danlex, Nefelibeta MIDI - MegaSphere, Myrgharok, Jmickle, Psyrus, decino
Base: situated on the moon of Pluto, Charon is overrun by demons. And this makes you angry
Build time: 17 months with breaks
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, Paint.net
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