Title: Project Katy
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/katherine.zip
Size: 1.94 MB
Date: 02/11/24
Author: MArt1And00m3r11339
Description: This is a map (titled "Project Katy") that I want to make to express my support to one of the now-deceased people whom many of my friends love, Katy Christesson. While I may not know her personally, my heart goes out to her, her friends, and her family. I was unable to attend the events associated with her memorial due to lack of convenient location (too far away) so I decided to make a Doom map to express my support for her. While she may be now gone, she will definitely be remembered. Rest in peace, Katy. Play through of the map is available on YouTube via external links to my channel in the website mentioned above (note that if you are unable to find it, it is because I have it set to scheduled for a specific date to go public).
Credits: ID Software for Doom II. Aubrey Hodges for the Doom 64 sounds. Maximiliano Cislaghi for the mug shot. Realm667 for the custom monsters. Ola Bjorling (Ukiro) for the textures and flats.

**Any missing or inaccurate information found within this text file should be addressed to me so that I can go around and correct it.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 1/2 days
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade
Bugs: None that I know of.
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