Title: Quake2Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/q2doom.zip
Size: 3.24 MB
Date: 05/27/01
Author: The Solution and Gunrock
Description: Quake2Doom is a single+coop player map that originally started back in the summer of 2000 as a 9 map quake2ish themed project.Though it failed to really capture the quake2 design. Now after 4 years, the project is now redone and utilizing the advance capabilities of the K8Vavoom and GZDoom source ports. The features include: sloped sectors, quake2 style lighting, 3d room over room, polydoors and a custom tga sky box.
Credits: ID Software, Ketmar, and Janis Legzdinsh.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 weeks
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder
Bugs: no
Rating: (13 votes)
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Works with GZDoom :Dx
Vavoom is not bad, only your failure to follow simple instructions in installing and loading the wad projects properly. Upgrading your crappy computer may also help with the performance of Vavoom.x
Vavoom is so bad... next time for zdoom please!x
Solid -PFLx
J'adore Q2 en plus des son de doom 64 c'est formidable 5/5 - Eye'sx
Very impressive work. This is now *the* showcase wad for Vavoom.x

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