Title: Ringworld
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/ringworld.zip
Size: 290.54 KB
Date: 10/20/24
Author: Tetral
Description: A over the top slaughter map with a central room that is completely coated with dead bodies by the end. Very hard and very insane.

I had this map lying around for a while before I decided to upload it. I had the idea a while ago of a map with so many corpses in one area that it formed a complete carpet of bodies that replaced the floor. This result isn't exactly what I had in mind, but the floor covering of corpses was kept intact and I think it turned out better this way. There is 10604 enemies to kill on ultra-violence, so you better get working.

If you need a little help figuring out the level, I included a strategy guide to help with many unmarked switches. ITYTD is pretty easy if you just want to have some fun causing carnage.
Credits: smax.wad and dmnsns.wad for music, dafont.com for Rosart font
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Few days, with alot of slow changes after testing
Editor(s) used: Ulitmate Doom builder, Slade, Doom Writer
Bugs: None
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