Title: Doomworld Roulette: Session 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/roultt02.zip
Size: 3.53 MB
Date: 12/21/16
Author: Various
Description: The second in a series of exercises that dares participants to break away from the trends and ideas typical in day-to-day Dooming. The challenge? Create a map that best depicts a theme generated by jmickle66666666's level theme generator. Themes were created, numbered and then hidden from participants, who were made to select a number at random in order to be assigned a theme. The event ran for just under two weeks, totalling 11 maps. These maps are designed to be played from pistol start.
Credits: See below
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks & 11 months :)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE 3, WhackEd4, Bitmap Font Writer
Bugs: Not a bug, but PrBoom+ cannot access the custom HELP screen to view the map themes in-game.
Rating: (10 votes)
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The last map is a sudden steep increase in difficulty and breaks the otherwise consistent flow of the WAD. And that's the most important part here: all 11 maps are not only good, but they are consistently good. It's 4.5* because of this break in consistency but I'll round up to 5.x
my map's shit rest is goodx

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