Title: Smog City
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/smogcity.zip
Size: 966.2 KB
Date: 08/25/24
Author: Dahbeez
Description: Smog City is a 10 level mapset for Doom II with a toxic, industrial theme. Made in Doom 2 format, compatible with most limit removing source ports.

Set in the fictional, industrial oil town of Carburetor, Texas. At the peak of its manufacturing and gas operations, the city was lining the pockets of the richest oil company the world had ever seen. Due to the immense success of oil mining and factories in this town, the government got greedy, ultimately deciding to start a mining operation on Mars. They wanted to build a teleporter to efficiently transport the natural gas from Mars back to Earth. Somewhere along the lines, a demonic interference tampered with the relay signal, causing an enormous army of hell forces to squeeze through the teleporter. The demons stormed throughout Carburetor, destroying nuclear reactors and chemical plants. Now the city is festering with highly toxic smog and pollution. Of course, they sent you to eliminate the demonic presence. You grab your rebreather and hit the road.
Credits: VGMusic.com for the 12 midis: Earthworm Jim (Sega Genesis) Jazz Jackrabbit (DOS) Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Sega Genesis)

My fiance Bri for sitting with me and watching me map for hours upon hours on end. Couldn't have done it without her! Her support is truly amazing.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Slade, WhackEd4, Paint.net, MS Paint
Bugs: End text on MAP10 may not play on some ports; Crispy Doom.
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