Title: DooM Vacation
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/vacav14.zip
Size: 6.01 MB
Date: 08/27/11
Author: Joseph Otey (Doorhenge)
Description: This is a conversion of the Duke Nukem 3D add-on "Duke Caribbean - Life's a Beach" by Wizard Works that is no longer being sold.

The Win-Duke3Ds have no client/server support and I always wanted to play this online. So I made a conversion of it for Zdaemon and such. Also the Duke Vacation addon was not very coop friendly - with some levels that you couldn't continue on if you got killed. In some of the levels you could even get stuck in single player if you were not careful.
Credits: -Wizard Works- Original "Life's a Beach" Credits: Producer: Anthony Campiti Lead Level Design: Robert Travis Programming Level Design: Charlie Wiederhold Arkwork Voice Effects: Dave Manual Arkwork: Mike Buck Paul Jury Level Design: Bill Buchalter, Tyler Larson, Shawn Swift Duke Con Programming: Joris Weimar Music & SFX: Jenna Ramsey

Jimmy91 for the Duke3d-esque midi looping trick.
Base: From Duke Nukem: Life's a Beach
Build time: ???
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder, XWE, Wintex
Bugs: None I know of.
Rating: (77 votes)
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