Title: Warehouse Raid
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/warehseraid.zip
Size: 633.23 KB
Date: 08/01/22
Author: IcarusOfDaggers/DragonOfDaggers
Description: Released multiple times. Two final releases have a big gap, so I provided original release date as well. You were sent in to clear a small warehouse. When the mons- ters start respawning, you get some plasma gunners, who can do more harm than good.
Credits: Doomworld testers: eharper256 - Multiple rounds of testing and feedback. First softlock find. thiccyosh - Feedback and multiple rounds of testing, including some glitches.

azerty - Video recording helping me hunt down a lot of inconsistencies.

Astro X - Final video recording for slight ammunition rebalance and minor bug fixes.

The Royal We - for giving me another reason to revamp some parts of the map.
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: 2 months
Editor(s) used: Slade 3, Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: None
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