Title: Fiendish.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/fiendish.zip
Size: 78.9 KB
Date: 03/24/04
Author: Steven L. Frantz
Description: It's going to be one of those days. Once you get a chance to enjoy the hospitality of the welcoming commitee in this level, the warm receptions you will receive from the inhabitants of these fiendish halls will go downhill. Consider this level as a Gothic exercise in wariness. Beware those empty rooms and reap the benefits from the incarcerated fiends.
Base: A nightmare I once had...
Build time: Don't ask. It's embarassing.
Editor(s) used: DeeP 7.0
Bugs: none
Rating: (6 votes)
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It's quite challenging sometimes, though you're provided with plenty of goodies and ammo. Optically, this early map is no masterpiece, but better than most maps from that time. Nothing special but a nice fun.x
Pure slaughter, but fun. 2.5/5x
Some fun areas.x

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