Title: King Deathmatch!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/king1.zip
Size: 65.09 KB
Date: 11/09/97
Author: Jason
Description: A deathmatch wad made for original deathmatch skill 5. I've tried to make it so that it plays well with 3-4 players as well as 2.
Credits: iD Software Special thanx to Atuatu Chokurin Roman and Mich for play testing, and the guy responsible for d2texfix.wad. ================================================================
Base: From scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK2.2 WARM
Bugs: If you find any let me know.
Rating: (7 votes)
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King1 is one of the best duel maps to me. 5/5x
Cool map. It was good i can't give 5 because It must be very cool like on of my favrite so I give you 4/5.x
One of my favorite .wads to duel on. This map has many nifty tricks you can use against your opponent. 5/5x

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