Title: The Underworld Base for Doom v1.9
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/k_base1.zip
Size: 40.04 KB
Date: 12/07/97
Author: Kurt Kesler
Description: The base theme all the way!!It's good, so play and send me your comments!!
Credits: Just ID
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 60 hrs (over three weeks)
Editor(s) used: Wauthor
Bugs: If its got a bug, it got by me!!(mail me)
Rating: (5 votes)
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I counted at least 3 soulspheres and a megasphere. Plus I had about a munitions depot worth of ammo when I finshed. Not meh (barely) but nothing above average either. Reviewer above seems to think the designer's WAD's got better. I don't know, but the bones of this level are good, so I could easily see improvement.x
This is from December 1997. It's the first Kurt Kesler map in the archive, from before he finalised his image (I imagine he would prefer to forget the readme). The level itself is a metallic techbase, cramped and fiddly, that throws health at you, and the traps are very weak. The very beginning can be dicey unless you run into cover. It's decent by 1997 standards but overshadowed by the author's later work, which was rock hard and meaty.x
at the start it seemed kinda bad but thair were some itresting battles 4/5 x

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