Title: MANiFEST A DooM ][ Level made from scratch
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/manifest.zip
Size: 12.34 KB
Date: 10/13/94
Author: Chris Elly Jonathan Elly
Description: After you defeat all the badass bosses in doom Its time to move on now is the time to enter the MANiFEST.
Credits: The author of Deu2 which I used to make this level. Id for makeing DooM 2
Base: None
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu 2
Bugs: None.
Rating: (7 votes)
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Nice start! But the map was to short and to easy Also the map was to flat it and never put a powerful weapon as a secret in the first level! The suprise attack of the reveants was funnyx
A first map could have had a little more effort than this. 2/5x
I liked itx
Heh. This wa their first map, but it was pretty bad! Check out some of their MUCH better maps like the belch and o_lrd series maps. SRSLY THEY ARE GOOD. :)x
Crap. I'd rather play something from slige.x

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