Title: The Infested Hideout
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/pc_infes.zip
Size: 109.82 KB
Date: 03/10/12
Author: Paul Corfiatis (pcorf)
Description: A medium difficulty 1990's style map set in a base. The design is linear and inspired by id software's maps with some new elements. The goal is simple. Fight your way out of this base! ... There are also 8 secrets to be found and a bonus map named the War Room which contains a battle with Arachnotrons and a Cyberdemon.
Base: . The design is linear and inspired by id software's maps with some new elements. The goal is simple. Fight your way out of this base! ... There are also 8 secrets to be found and a bonus map named the War Room which contains a battle with Arachnotrons and a Cyberdemon.
Build time: 2 weeks or so
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder, XWE, Wintex
Rating: (16 votes)
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