Title: Teleporter Station
Filename: levels/doom64/tstation.zip
Size: 262.49 KB
Date: 11/19/11
Author: bgoodsell
Description: An old teleport test station is still active despite its lack of UAC personel. Explore its compound to see if anything survived.
Credits: Midway for Doom 64 and the 1 graphic I needed to modify Kaiser & team for Doom64EX and DoomBuilder 64
Base: Scratch
Build time: 3 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 64
Rating: (2 votes)
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Very Good wad!The key teleport was boring,but everythong else was awesome! 4/5x
I was expecting some totally unfair puzzles, but I was wrong. Actually, in most cases, you can predict where the key is going to land, because you can hear it. And there aren't that many receiving pads to begin with. I liked the layout and the mood.x

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