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20 Heretics Community Challenge
Size:21.64 MB
Author:Rachael Alexanderson, et. al.

This map is quite large and quite difficult too. Nearly 400 monsters and about 40 minutes of funny gameplay There are different places, you start in a fortress, later you will visit a little village, and a place with mosaic....Date:12/27/10
Size:3.79 MB

Alfa 4
Industrial themed wad for heretic. The map gets better the closer you are to the end, specially after green and blue doors....Date:02/21/15
Size:693.03 KB

Alfa 2
In alfa 2 you'll fight in a futuritic place in the moon, so i think is't quite original for being an heretic map...Date:06/24/11
Size:142.58 KB

Alfa 3
In alfa 3 you'll fight in a natural place with trees like the lost temple...Date:06/24/11
Size:920.29 KB

Ancient City
HUGE non linear map, plenty of action and opened areas to fight. Expect a lot to explore and some switch hunts....Date:08/06/23
Size:866.49 KB

Heretic - Call of the Apostate
An Episode 3 replacement for HERETIC. The episode is laid out so that levels 1-3 are inspired by E1, levels 4, 9, and 5 by E2, and levels 6-8 by E3. Expect a boss fight every 3rd level. I tried to make the difficulty progress nicely so that the begin...Date:04/24/11
Size:2.08 MB

Heretic - Dark Deity's Bastion
This map replaces E1M1 of HERETIC. It has been tested to be beatable in all difficulty levels. I even tested it myself on "Black Plague" and can confirm that it can be finished (albeit with a LOT of save/loads). I have disabled crouching and jumpin...Date:09/30/11
Size:933.71 KB

Blood, Fire, Death
Two levels for Heretic. See story.TXT for more description...Date:03/22/10
Size:460.45 KB
Author:Azamael (Kolybenko M.O.)

Burial Ground
You've been lost in the forest for days. In the middle of the night you awaken to weird sounds coming from the distance. You douse your campfire and head toward the sounds to investigate. You're greeted by a craggy gate and moonlit headstones. You he...Date:05/29/00
Size:565.37 KB
Author:Ken Phipps

Cardinal Sin
A fairly short Heretic level, includes MAPINFO episode start menu option. Some additional DECORATE plant things as well....Date:05/09/21
Size:399.57 KB

Clucking Dubbed to Feath(ers)
Clucking Dubbed to Feath(ers) is a tiny Heretic speedmap I made after realizing that when a player gets shot by a morph ovum (egg) while already a chicken, they will become a super chicken, circumventing the need to kill a player as a chicken to do s...Date:08/29/20
Size:31.1 KB

Cookies on Dowels
My first attempt at a Heretic level. It's fairly short and easy (for a Heretic level)....Date:08/29/06
Size:156.84 KB

Heretic - Curse of D'sparil
An episode 3 replacement for Heretic, playing on the story of Corvus' exile as he was under the curse of D'sparil. Read the back story under "Info" in Heretic....Date:01/27/10
Size:4.55 MB
Author:Kristian 'Kristus' Käll Featuring my brother Karl Käll, who made the secret map.

This comes out from a old project called herechan.wad, since maps are too little to be enjoyable as a episode, i joined the things i did in one level, inspired upon episode one......Date:06/19/10
Size:1.92 MB
Author:Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri

Dark Mountain II
Sequel to "Dark Mountain" (darkmtn.wad). This is a very large level with more detail in many places than the original Heretic engine can handle. To play it, you'll need an enhanced version of the Heretic engine such as wHeretic. You can download it h...Date:10/27/99
Size:246.44 KB
Author:Ken Phipps

The Abandoned City
This is a fair sized city type map for Heretic's E1M5...Date:03/29/04
Size:239.42 KB
Author:DooMBoy (omg)

dark caves
a short map... ......Date:05/22/11
Size:216.37 KB

FIVE new levels for Heretic built in the Hpack mindset: a bit of custom content, custom monsters, and new powerups! Drag 'Despair.PK3' and 'DespairMaps.WAD' both into your GZdoom shortcut to run properly....Date:12/13/15
Size:4.56 MB
Author:Chris 'Shades' Oliveri = the SHADESMASTER

The disparil's labs
My second map done for the game Heretic. I don't think can someone already made somenthing similar, btw the main aim of this level is simple this: heretic merged and twisted in doom space base, crazy! This one was extracted from a episode i have in p...Date:10/07/07
Size:198.72 KB
Author:Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri

Heretic: Dissonance is a level conjured inside (and out) of a Fortress built at the edge of D'sparil Dimension, You (Corvus) must find away through the treacherous building in hopes to find a switch, or some line segment that will free you from its g...Date:06/26/10
Size:1.44 MB
Author:Dharmesh Mistry

This is my last 2022 project called Divergence. Why Divergence? It's because, I felt doing something different compared to Doom. It has no clear story, just some imagination how this world must work and why some stuff stays the way it is. Even if I w...Date:11/19/22
Size:1.55 MB

Dark Medieval Times - EP1: I am the Black Wizard
You are a member of the Black Wizards. They are...Date:12/20/21
Size:6.82 MB

D'Spirali Hideout
A 40-60 minutes level for almost vanilla setting of Heretic. Well, map itself is vanilla but it uses DECORATE to make firemace always spawn, so it's actually ZDoom thing. This level is a proof to myself that I don't suck, as my only portfolio, so to ...Date:04/16/19
Size:777.23 KB

Elf Gets Pissed 1.1
An episode 1 replacement for Heretic....Date:02/19/16
Size:3.6 MB

Faithless - A Heretic hub
The hellish minions left to wander in the aftermath of Korax's defeat during the battle of Cronos have now scattered across Parthoris looking for fresh meat, and a new realm to call their own. Beings of chaos roam freely, causing disarray in the real...Date:06/30/19
Size:15.36 MB

Final Heretic Chapter One: The Docks
Inspired by Enjay's Thief mod for Heretic, I decided to realize this wad. This is a remake of the first Heretic level, "The Docks", with a realistic set, new monsters, weapons, object for an enhanced Heretic experience....Date:04/29/09
Size:3.42 MB

Fierce Vigilant Retribution
Consists of two new levels, and also has some textures & sprites & sounds which were imported from various other games. In order to see the new monsters launch JHERETIC without the model resources. The Gargoyle has been replaced by the Reiver from He...Date:09/22/07
Size:1.19 MB
Author:Eugene Sloupsky a.k.a. DarkJedi188

Freame 2
An evil sorcerer has tainted the life well and now sickness runs rampant and fiends are attacking you must kill him and restore the life well...Date:03/15/09
Size:1.28 MB
Author:Evil Space Tomato

A DECORATE weapons mod for Heretic with a tech theme. Because guns kick ass....Date:05/19/06
Size:506.38 KB

NUTS: D'Sparil's Last Stand
As the name implies, D'Sparil REALLY fuckin' hates you, and has gathered an utterly gargantuan fuckton of his forces and minions to take you down. And you will probably die. What did you even do to piss him off that bad, anyways!? Fart in his Chili?...Date:02/09/20
Size:52.76 KB

Heretic: Quest for the Crystal Skulls
Quest for the Crystal Skulls is a new action-packed episode for Heretic. In this adventure, Corvus is confronted by a Heresiarch, a powerful minion of the Serpent Riders. This dark wizard has stolen three crystal skulls, using their power to open a...Date:04/12/20
Size:2.75 MB
Author:Captain Toenail

The History of Fruit
This is a 9 level Heretic wad designed for single/cooperative play. Have fun, and be sure to use the proper DMFLAGs listed below if you are playing on cooperative mode. 1-6 players should be the limit. Story: IN AN EPIC TURN OF EVENTS, the Overlords ...Date:12/22/08
Size:2.47 MB
Author:TheCupboard & Worst-vd-Plas

Hillside Bar
First attempt at a Heretic map. Corvus gets drunk while searching for the Yellow Key and a bar fight ensues....Date:10/15/23
Size:43.81 KB

Hordes of Chaos
5 Heretic maps stuffed full of monsters. These maps are meant to be a challenge on Skill 4. If you play on Skill 4 and die miserably, don't be surprised. And don't complain, either. Play it on Skill 3! :P After each map your weapons and ammo are ...Date:07/23/04
Size:1.25 MB
Author:Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude)

Hordes of Chaos II
5 more Heretic maps stuffed full of monsters. These maps are meant to be a challenge on Skill 4. If you play on Skill 4 and die miserably, don't be surprised. And don't complain, either. Play it on Skill 3! :P After each map your weapons and ammo...Date:09/10/04
Size:1.23 MB
Author:Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude)

Hordes of Chaos III
5 more Heretic maps stuffed full of monsters. These maps are meant to be a challenge on Skill 4. If you play on Skill 4 and die miserably, don't be surprised. And don't complain, either. Play it on Skill 3! :P After each map your weapons and ammo...Date:10/22/04
Size:1.84 MB
Author:Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude)

Hordes of Chaos IV
5 more Heretic maps stuffed full of monsters. These maps are meant to be a challenge on Skill 4. If you play on Skill 4 and die miserably, don't be surprised. And don't complain, either. Play it on Skill 3! :P After each map your weapons and ammo...Date:11/08/04
Size:2.24 MB
Author:Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude)

Hordes of Chaos X
Well, it's been quite a journey. Hordes of Chaos is finally done, with 25 maps. HOC X has all 4 previously released HOCs, plus the all new HOC 5. HOC has been changed to HOC Death Edition. It's got 2x the monsters and alot less health. Good luck pl...Date:01/11/05
Size:4.96 MB
Author:Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude) M.Eyre (Vermil) Nick St.Laurent (Hobomaster)

Heart of Fire
This is the sequel of The River of Fire. This wad is detailed and you will need Wheretic to play. On this wad, you start where you left on The River of Fire....Date:05/25/01
Size:194.81 KB
Author:Pablo Dictter

Hall Of The Saint
You came into this place and then there were these monsters and you grabbed some weapons and bombs and you also read some magic books and throwed some eggs and killed the monsters with the stuff and magic and then you found the exit and went on your ...Date:10/07/12
Size:93.72 KB

Hairy Tick DM
This map was made as a deathmatch/duel map for Heretic and given a single-player conversion. I added in some switches, gates, enemies and other objectives to give some progression to it for single-play, so it can be played in either form. The gamep...Date:09/27/23
Size:640.28 KB

Heretic Treasure Chest
The HTC was a community project aiming to make a 3 episode Heretic Megawad that would run on limit removing ports that support Heretic (i.e. Doomsday, ZDoom etc). Below details who did what in alphabetical order:...Date:03/16/10
Size:7.63 MB
Author:Heretic Treasure Chest team

How to Disappear Completely (or this monotonous gagging)
3rd part of the river of fire series. this time it all takes place in a underground cave (unlike the previous ones where it was a mixture of cave + temple/dungeon/castle/whatever. skill4 is recomended. this is a very linear level....Date:01/18/05
Size:1.06 MB
Author:Pablo Dictter

Heretic Speedmapping 1
A set of 4 Heretic speedmaps made during an 8 hour session that occured on 1/19/2018 Theme: A Canyon Village Restriction: The highest playable area & the lowest playable area must be a height difference of at least 500...Date:01/28/18
Size:177.66 KB
Author:ETTiNGRiNDER, Jaws In Space, Jthom, Walter Confetti

Heretic Speedmapping 2
A set of 4 Heretic speedmaps made during an 8 hour session that occured on 2/23/2018 Theme: A Crypt Restriction: 25% of the map must be optional areas...Date:03/04/18
Size:446.03 KB
Author:Jaws In Space, Jthom, riderr3, Walter Confetti

Heretic Amplified
A whole Heretic episode with new Weapons, Enemies, and Items...Date:04/22/11
Size:6.79 MB
Author:Evil Space Tomato

Heretic Upstart Mapping Project (HUMP)
The Heretic Upstart Mapping project was made to get people into mapping for heretic. It includes many maps by people who had never mapped for heretic before, and some older maps that authors had never published. NOTE: All maps are designed to be wa...Date:10/19/17
Size:3.27 MB

HYMN: A Heretic Community Project
HYMN is a Doomworld community project for Heretic. It is a 9 level episode that features custom textures. HYMN should be compatible with most modern Boom and ZDoom related ports, as well as Doomsday, but has an emphasis on 'vanilla' style mapping....Date:07/14/13
Size:5.38 MB
Author:Various Authors

Clear the heretical forces from the frozen caverns...Date:01/19/11
Size:1.02 MB
Author:Christopher Lutz

I'ts Real And It Kills (AKA Everything Sucks)
"I'ts Real And It kills (AKA Everything Sucks)" is a PWAD for Heretic. It contains a new episode (8 maps + one secret map). The whole episode was made in "Heretic" format in Doom Builder 2. So basically it's Vanilla. And because it's Vanil...Date:10/21/18
Size:3.66 MB
Author:Matthias (AKA enkeli33)

Town Of Witchcraft
Random map based on the Heretic Treasure Chest megawad (E1M5) The map is based on a small desolate town hidden deeply within the mountains. Like Plutonia II, I saw no progression into the p...Date:09/08/07
Size:364.35 KB
Author:Samuel Villarreal (

The Lost Cemetery
Map for vanilla style play....Date:11/14/20
Size:162.13 KB

Max Saga: The Doom Dragon
Cursed by a petty god for your insolence, you are doomed to wander space and time, battling supernatural evils for the god's amusement. In ancient Scandinavia, the Ravendark Cult has assembled in their cavernous keep: there they shall awaken the lege...Date:07/01/14
Size:59.99 KB
Author:Mike MacDee (Impie @ Doomworld)

Masters of Chaos v 1.1 for Heretic
Three totally new episodes for Heretic - 31 levels, including new graphics, sounds and music. Five new weapons - 13 in all. New deadly enemies, new tricks and traps and much more....Date:06/24/12
Size:12.72 MB
Author:Caleb & Doom_Warrior

Monastery of the damned
A level I created during the summer. I tried to create a detailed level with plenty of challenge, whilst keeping that heretic feel...Date:10/28/12
Size:175.76 KB
Author:Rory Habich (Boared)

Thief - The Trail of the Arch-Heretic
A moody, ambient WAD intended to put some of the feeling of "Thief: the Dark Project" into Heretic. It's a reworking of my own njthief WAD for Doom2....Date:05/03/06
Size:5.18 MB
Author:Nigel Rowand (Enjay)

Old memories
A non linear level for heretic. You'll fight in a brown fortress, and you have to escape alive Good luck!...Date:11/07/10
Size:182.95 KB

Old memories 2
That's a fortress ambiented map for heretic. The design gives you freedom movements arround the scenary, and the construccion of the wad is quite classic. If you enjoyed with Old memories, you shoudn't miss this one....Date:08/11/11
Size:206.22 KB

Pantheon of War
Size:714.76 KB

Lucifer's Spell (For Heretic)
New map for Heretic replacing E1M1. This is only my second level for Heretic. Its fairly large and straight forward in progression. Enjoy!...Date:09/09/07
Size:122.82 KB
Author:Paul Corfiatis

The Forgotten Portals
You're making your way through an icy region and are nearly crushed when some ice caverns collapse. Eventually you make your way out only to find yourself trapped in a long deserted temple complex. The gates are enchanted and cannot be opened. You de...Date:01/13/00
Size:350.24 KB
Author:Ken Phipps

Quoth the Raven
Quoth the Raven is the 28th installment of the Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series, created by BluePineapple72. The event ran during June of 2023, in which maps were created in a time limit of 8 hours or less. Episode 3 was created in July. M...Date:11/19/23
Size:27.14 MB
Author:Various, Led by Death Bear and Egregor

Reclamation - An ancient sanctuary has been corrupted by the minions of evil; reclaim the church and make the bastards pay....Date:02/13/01
Size:145.62 KB
Author:Chris Lutz

FreeHeretic E2M1: The Remote Outpost
My first released Heretic map, to be used as E2M1 of the FreeHeretic project. The overall theme is therefore vaguely similar....Date:02/12/05
Size:79.35 KB
Author:Sarge Baldy

The Realm of Parthoris - 2015
Welcome to The Realm of Parthoris, the fantasy world in which Heretic takes place. This project aims to create a community based Heretic episode by the end of 2015. A texture pack of 500 textures and flats has been carefully compiled to compliment an...Date:11/26/15
Size:4.14 MB
Author:Various Authors

Refuge of the Marshlord
This was originally designed as a part of the Second Heretic Speedmapping session, but after I finished the map I realised they demanded Deathmatch-maps, so this map did not fit into the project. Years later, I found it on my harddrive again and afte...Date:10/05/12
Size:107.08 KB

The walker texas power ranger chainsaw massacre
Another nuts.wad remake, this time is for heretic. Since we don't seen alot of heretic jokewads.......Date:05/21/08
Size:26.53 KB
Author:The secret alliance for prosperity of sentai and tokuhatsu

Where Serpents ever Dwell
Story: After the lifeless bodies of D'sparils body guards crumble and fall to the ground, for the first time in ages you feel a sense a sense of relief... as you enter the portal that finally takes you... home? This is a challenging map for Heretic...Date:07/16/11
Size:195.67 KB
Author:Adrian Hanekom

Shadowy Forest
Battle your way through a forest at night. To run this map, you'll need an enhanced version of the Heretic engine such as wHeretic. You can download it here:
Size:798 KB
Author:Ken Phipps

An episode for Heretic, requires use of Jheretic v1.0 or later....Date:03/19/02
Size:3.65 MB

Sold Soul
Sold Soul is a full-on Heretic episode with 9 levels and challenging gameplay. The story is that you play as a merchant with some unnatural powers and skills who have been betrayed and seeking revenge. "Best plot" All of the levels were designed with...Date:10/09/21
Size:24.29 MB

Sosuria is a proud, peaceful village on the island of Khshayarsha, full of life and hospitality. That is, until one day an evil sorcerer ransacked the land with his army, taking most of the goods and resources for himself and turning the island into ...Date:03/15/18
Size:148.31 KB

Steeple Chase V1.11
Chase D'sparil Up A Caslte/Tower Like Structure....Date:08/10/02
Size:216.21 KB

Serpent's Wake ver. 1.1
Choose your path in the Serpent's Wake, an all-new HERETIC adventure with three variations of each map. Featuring the QUEST SYSTEM: each skill level represents a different way of playing each map. Monsters, items, progression, geometry and more chang...Date:12/08/19
Size:4.41 MB

The Day The Gargoyles Attacked Us All
They are coming! Gargoyles are invading Earth! Save us from those awful red beasts!...Date:09/21/12
Size:15.26 KB
Author:Newtonian Motion

Templum Dormiens Dei
A single level for Heretic, which requires ZDoom 2.8.1 or later. This map is meant to follow the events of Dark Deity's Bastion, and serve as an ending to the storyline which began with that level. If you are having trouble reading text, enable the "...Date:12/20/16
Size:12.73 MB

A heretic megawad containing total 35 levels, including secret levels. Intended to be played as a campaign. Also contains around 30 new monsters and 8 bosses. Requires GZDoom 4.3 or newer or corresponding version of LZDoom. Jumping is allowed here, b...Date:11/15/20
Size:25.67 MB

Wrath of the Titans
A complete 9-level episode featuring some new textures and classic Heretic style with attention to Raven's mapping conventions. The set plays on the episode 2 slot. (Autopicked in some ports) Aside from E2M2, these maps have been released before in...Date:05/07/23
Size:1.94 MB

The land of the blue tattoo
A non linear map. It's quite dificult. Health and ammo are low, so be careful....Date:06/24/11
Size:80.53 KB

The lost temple
You have to find the lost temple on the mountain. the map is divided in two parts, the mountain, and the temple....Date:01/31/11
Size:313.6 KB

Tower Of Pain
The Tower Of Pain holds a sacred artifact that you must recover. All who have tried before you have met an untimely end. Will you succeed where they have failed? I made this map when I realized there's not really any 'insane' Heretic maps with hund...Date:12/13/03
Size:237.52 KB
Author:Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude)

Torture - Destroy the beasts controlling an underground dungeon; mutilate them as they have been mutilating your comrades....Date:02/13/01
Size:131.33 KB
Author:Chris Lutz

The reign of d'sparil
My first wad. Entire first episode of hexen. Start in a cemetery and end up battling d'sparil in a spaceship....Date:12/27/13
Size:482.03 KB
Author:Nick Rogmans

Underground Hideout
Just a small map I made. Might make a whole episode if I feel motivated enough....Date:05/03/22
Size:14.12 MB

Heretic: The Mysteries of Underville
With D'Sparil slain and his bodyguard Maulotaurs defeated you step into a portal not knowing if it sends you home or to another twisted world. You are not scared of what you will find as you have witnessed horrors far beyond your wildest imagination....Date:11/08/18
Size:1.16 MB
Author:Josef Sustek

Doomworld Heretic speedmapping session 1
In the spirit of 32in24 and various other speedmapping session, 5 levels for heretic from scratch done in 24 hours on 01\31\10. The result is a castle\outdoor theme with some egyptian stuff....Date:02/13/10
Size:547.87 KB
Author:Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri, Philnemba, Fenriswolf, Magicsofa

Doomworld Heretic speedmapping session 2 & 3
In the spirit of 32in24 and various other speedmapping session, 6 levels for heretic from scratch done in 48 hours on 06\13\10 & 06\19\10 (2nd session) E1M1 & E1M5 are FFA maps (3rd session) E1M2, E1M3 & E1M6 are dual maps...Date:07/21/10
Size:386.25 KB
Author:Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri, Philnemba, & Magicsofa

The Wayfarer
The Wayfarer is a full 9-map episode for Heretic that includes two new enemies, two new artifacts, a new weapon, plenty of custom decorations and textures, custom bosses, and more. The episode includes a built-in gameplay mod that rebalances Hereti...Date:06/16/19
Size:17.48 MB
Author:Not Jabba

wImPy HeReTiC
This is a pointless level I made for Heretic to sort of "test out" my FutureTic Weapon set. It's kind of strange, but hey, it's a nice change from the usual joke wads I release. :P...Date:06/22/04
Size:138.94 KB

The Iron Forge
A medium-sized Heretic map that was originally intended for Realm of Parthoris. The layout/architecture by Xaser is a recreation of Iron Keep from Dark Souls 2; Not Jabba did the thing placement/combat later. This map includes a set of gameplay mod...Date:12/21/18
Size:1.26 MB
Author:Xaser and Not Jabba

Your Journey Begins
Your Journey Begins! Well, I can say this is for me, as a mapper, where My Journey Ends, or at least for this chapter. And what a journey it has been! These levels were originally meant to be part of a collaboration that started in 2015, but the proj...Date:07/08/24
Size:1.79 MB

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