Title: lashme.wad
Filename: levels/heretic/deathmatch/j-l/lashme.zip
Size: 10.77 KB
Date: 05/11/95
Author: Andrew J. Hulme
Description: This is my first heretic deathmatch. I have designed it specifically to take advantage of the features in heretic, rather than convert one of my doom deathmatches.
Credits: Adam Gilchrist and Andy Banks for playtesting and advice, when they should have been working. Ta to all the folks who have written the various editors.
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: one day
Editor(s) used: WINDEU 5.23, edmap 1.40, RMB 2.0, wadmerge 1.0.
Bugs: nothing I've noticed yet
Rating: (2 votes)
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Tiny + HoM = bad, bad, bad. Magma/07-2011 - 0/5x
3/5 for creativityx

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