Title: Hub of Pain v1.0
Filename: levels/hexen/a-c/colin4.zip
Size: 280.03 KB
Date: 03/05/96
Author: Colin Caird
Description: A 3 level hub (including hub level) that is just downright awesome. :) Lots of fog to.
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Rating: (8 votes)
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This wad is perfectly engineered - no glitches or issues encountered - found it slightly dull in parts, mainly due to the slight lack of variation of textures, and there isn't really much of a puzzle involved, either. Still, not bad! 4 stars.x
Wolfen: Good hub, but too easy. x
Pretty nice hexen wad you got here, the detail is decent and there are some challenges here and there. Yes it's a little short but who cares? I give this a 4/5 would of been 5/5 but that extra point was taken off for being a short wad.x
pretty straightforward little hub. ran through it in about 30 minutes. Good fun for a few minutes, but it's pretty easy and over rather quickly.x
very good design. although a bit on the short side, it kinda left me wanting more, but it still is very professonal looking. aside from one little mess up in the mine level with a moveable block that won't push all the way its supposed to. i had to use a noclipping cheat to get by it but other than that this is a well done piece of work.x
Very goodlooking. But I got stuck after opening the door for the first key. I HATE PUZZLES. 4/5 for to be fair. There might be ppl who actually likes puzzle solving. I am not one of those people. But its a good map by all standards.x
The fact that the author of this PWAD also contributed to Deathkings should tell you something. These aren't the greatest levels ever, but they are good, and in places nice-looking. The main gripes are that it's rather short and doesn't have a strong ending, and it's possible to mess up the pushable wall in the mines in a such a way that you can't progress (I recommend walking against the block instead of running.)x

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