Title: Gore Fest? (For them maybe)
Filename: levels/hexen/deathmatch/g-i/hi.zip
Size: 36.54 KB
Date: 03/31/96
Author: Jester Calhone
Description: Um, not really a description but I might warn you to TURN ON GOD MODE! YOU CANNOT SURVIVE! YOU ARE TOO WEAK! YOU SUCK TOO MUCH TO BEST THESE VILE FIENDS!
Credits: My CD Player and the allmighty Smashing Pumkins
Base: Brand spanking new level
Build time: As long as it took
Editor(s) used: HCK 3.0 Beta 3, Deep 8.20s, and Wad Author 1.11.1
Bugs: Some crushing ceilings may not have side textures. Go fig! Play is a teeny bit slower in DM because of the large amount of monsters. Just play without them if you want a speed up. (WARNING: This greatly reduces the death factor!)
Rating: (1 vote)
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