Filename: lmps/doom2/1.9/ptlmp.zip
Size: 185.08 KB
Date: 04/11/95
Author: Peter Meredith & Tom Williamson
Description: Doom2 Level 1 2 player deathmatch. This is our first lmp, which we just did for kicks but thought others might get some entertainment out of it. It's long (hour and a half) but worth it. Tom played on a P5-90 and I was on a DX4-100 with 14.4 modems. An interesting side note is that Tom uses a joystick with a 'hunt and seek' strategy while I use a mouse with a 'don't stop running and shoot anything that moves' strategy.
Credits: Satan. After this game I sold my soul for a higher frag count. Boy did he get jipped.
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