Title: Doom 2 theme
Filename: misc/doom_thm.zip
Size: 441.07 KB
Date: 01/24/97
Author: LHK
Description: Doom 2 theme is a collection of a Windows 95 desktop elements which their pivot is Doom2.
I (LHK) did my best when creating it to ensure it would be useable, not only beutiful, and I hope the consequence fill the bill.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU32 was used to view the game's sprites and textures.
ALT-PRINTSCREEN was used to capture each sprite/texture to the clipboard.
PSP32 was used to paste and process the result images to icons, wallpaper and animation frames.
CA CRICKET PAINT was used to fine-tune some of the larger images.
MICROANGELO ANIMATOR was used to create the animated cursors.
WINTEX was used to extract WAV files from the game.
SUPER PAD was used to edit the .THE file.
Norton disk editor and PSP were used to create the nifty pallete scroll of the opening screen.
Rating: (18 votes)
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