Title: Icarus: Alien Vanguard
Filename: themes/TeamTNT/icarus/icarus.zip
Size: 2.72 MB
Date: 03/21/96
Author: TeamTNT
Description: Icarus is a whole new set of 32 DOOM II levels from TeamTNT. It is now available on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirrors. See below for the exact path.

Icarus has 32 levels that are excellent for single and cooperative play, but we didn't forget the Deathmatchers of the world, either!

We've taken extra steps to make sure that every level is an exceptional Deathmatch level so that after you're done playing it alone, you can go through Icarus again and waste your buddies. Some maps have special features, and others reduce the level size for Deathmatch. In all cases, though, you'll know we had Deathmatch in mind when we made Icarus. And no more days of filtering through all the junky DM levels on the 'net.
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