Title: Marine1
Filename: themes/marines/marine1.zip
Size: 2.69 MB
Date: 03/21/96
Author: Sergeant Daniel G. Snyder, USMC
Description: This is the first of what we hope will be many efforts to provide an inexpensive fire team simulation to the fire- team. Set up is a demonstration of the fire team in the defense. The situation is high intensity combat- with opportunity to prosecute a follow up counter attack against enemy held positions. The intent is to provide follow on improvements and enhancements following user feedback on this initial offering...
Credits: The internet community and the efforts of many enterprising people who produce excellent editors; the work of other "doomophiles" who provide excellent examples of what can be accomplished. and of course.... Id Software for making the game.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Windeu, Dehacked 3.0, Dmaud, adobephotoshop, Wintex
Bugs: Hall of Mirrors effect at extreme ends of the range ..the map is rather large with open spaces. Some textures aren't mapped very well- more time could make it prettier... Oh well, sounds like a personal problem.
Rating: (63 votes)
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