Title: Christmas In Inferno
Filename: themes/xmas/dbp43.zip
Size: 4.43 MB
Date: 05/24/23
Author: Doomer Boards Qrew
Description: You play as santa and go to hell and back to deliver presents back to earth from the snowy frozen hell.
Credits: Doomkid's Xmas Doom mod Matador for the white gloves Many textures are taken from DBP19 and CC4-tex The snowfall texture is taken from REKKER Sunken Land The snowman enemy is from Rebirth1.wad Some enemies are taken from wintcity.wad Title/intermission graphics by wereknight Menu header by Pistoolkip
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 month
Editor(s) used: Doom Builders, Slade 3, WhackED 4, Doom Writer
Bugs: All gone thanks to all the feedback.
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