Title: Doom External Control API
Filename: utils/misc/ctrlapi.zip
Size: 50.94 KB
Date: 10/09/11
Author: Simon Howard
Description: This is some example code that uses Doom's external control API (the -control command line parameter).

Vanilla (DOS) Doom supports a little-known command line parameter named -control. This parameter allows an external program to inject movement events into the game. The most likely explanation is that it was intended to allow companies manufacturing game controllers (joystick, gamepad, etc) to provide their own custom drivers to control the game. As far as I know, no such driver was ever written before now.

Full source code (requires Borland Turbo C) is included.
Credits: James Haley (Quasar) for the reverse engineered information that he provided about how the external control API works.
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It's awesome that discoveries like this are being made and that people are doing the research to uncover them.x

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