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    Doomsday 1.10.1 released

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    Is it possible to use an Xbox 360 controller with it?

    Aside from that and some odd interface decisions, mainly automap always forcing the full status bar and always rotating, and the menus getting killed with the esc key rather than gonig back to the previous menu, Doomsday has advanced incredibly from the last time I had it installed.

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    The menu's mimic Vanilla behaviour; in Vanilla Doom, ESC kills the menu, while Backspace is used to go back to the previous menu. Same in Doomsday.

    To disable automap rotation, press 'R' on the automap. Rotation should probably be disabled by default, as it's not a Vanilla option.

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    As for gamepad control; you have to turn it on in the control panel and then Dday should automatically detect any pad your OS can; it works with my PS2 pad for instance.

    Then head to the controls menu and bind your preferred commnds to the game pads buttons.

    One currently can't navigate menu's with gamepads though (i.e the gamepad will only work in game and when binding it's controls). There are also no menu options for sensitivity adjustment yet; you have to adjust those via the console (i.e input-joy-x-deadzone).

    Both issues are due to be addressed though.

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    The controller isn't detected at all. Odd, since everything else I have with modern controller support detects the 360 controller.

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    The official word is that Dday's gamepad code is too old to properly or fully support 360 controllers.

    That part of the code has yet to be rewritten for Dday 2 as part of the on-going rewrite.

    In the meantime, one can use a third party API to allow a 360 pad to work with Dday.

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    How does Doomsday compare to prboom and chocolate-doom? It's really interesting that Doomsday supports timidity++-native midi in Linux (correct me if I'm wrong). Every source port I try fails miserably at proper music rendition and actually ends up sounding broken (due to sdl_mixer); only exception is zdoom but it's got looping problems with timidity++ and doesn't exactly behave like doom 1.9. So far I've used dosbox but it always has input lag with auto cpu cycles; a hard setting for cpu cycles results in slow down in some parts (alien vendetta) and I can't go over 210000 without the host cpu slowing down.

    Can doomsday behave like doom 1.9 in dos? It's very important for me as a doomer to have all the bugs from vanilla doom present so gameplay isn't too easy (spidermastermind and other enemies are really easy in zdoom; need to set a variable to change it). Only importance for me is having limits removed and proper midi rendering in Linux; it is nice playing modern pwads once in a while too.

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    Doomsday does retain the original blockmap behaviour yes and is generally more faithful to the original games behaviour than ZDoom. But, like every port, it still has a few behaviour differences to Vanilla Doom.

    Doomsday is extreme limit removing, but it doesn't support Boom nor any of ZDoom's modding features; well Doomsday has it's own modding features, but it doesn't support the modding features of either of those, yet.

    I can't tell you whether you would like Doomsday over any other port; you have to try them all and pick the one you prefer.


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    Doomsday was the first sourceport I ever got, so maybe I'm not remember it so clearly, but I remember the options used to be a lot easier to get right. Maybe I just didn't know better, but I thought I could get it to look like a software renderer with relative ease.

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    Near every visual feature in Dday can be turned off in the control panel with the exception of the following, which have to be turned off via the console:

    The vignette effect: 'rend-vignette'
    Plane/Wall glows: 'rend-glow'
    Mobj additive blending: 'Rend-sprite-blend'

    Then Dday looks almost like the original software renderer aside from not using 8bit distance shading and the font filter*.

    These cvars will make Dday behave more like Vanilla Doom:

    Mobj interpolation: 'rend-mobj-smooth-move'
    FPS cap: 'refresh-rate-maximum': set this to 35 to mimic Vanilla Doom.
    Bad guy melee attacks have no z check: 'server-game-monster-meleeattack-nomaxz'
    Radius attacks have no z limit: 'server-game-monster-radiusttack-nomaxz'
    Mobjs have infinite z height*2: 'game-zclip'

    * Deng team have been informed of this oversight.

    *2 Unfortunately, a mistake in Dday's mobj defs currently means that the Doom player is unaffected by this cvar. Again Deng team have been informed.

    I don’t think I’m forgetting anything.

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