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    Risen3D Sunk


    In what is probably the first case of a source port being shut down because of the Doomworld forums, the Risen3D project (a modification of Doomsday with Boom/MBF compatibility among other things) has shut down, seemingly for good.

    I regret to inform the public that the Risen3D project is terminated as from now, due to so much bad feeling generated in not including the source with the v2.1.0 beta release. I suppose if you don't play by the community rules then you can expect to die by the community rules, the die is cast and there is no way back from here.


    Please do not email me for the source, it is Graham's intention to destroy the Risen3D source, his reasoning is if the source can not be obtained through patience then it should never be obtained under threat.

    From the progress of this thread and then this thread, it looks like the whiny GNU gestapo drew the authors into a flamewar and eventually got them to implode in a hissyfit. Richard Stallman wins again!

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    As far as stupid source port drama goes, this ranks below the glDoom guy managing to lose all his fucking source files and set back the cause of hardware accelerated Dooming by a year, and it's also below the big Boom-team dramabomb when Lee Killough took his ball and went home, but it's still pretty funny.

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    Someone had written "The black csdoom launcher" which allows to kick the players. The author of the program also said that he would write a program soon which will crash any server. I know who made this program of course. He hates me and he thinks that he's a great coder.

    Still on the front page of the CSDoom website

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    I didn't think that so many players still play csDoom. I uploaded csDoom v0.7 and launched the server "PDC(rus)". The first player joined in 20 minutes. This server was almost full in an hour! It worked for some hours then, I suppose, it crashed. I made a fragstats page for it. Guess, who was the best player. No, it wasn't me ;-) Linguica. I didn't think that he played so good. I remember I played with him some months ago and he didn't win ;-)


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    Don't blame this on free software 9_9 Anybody who would delete their own source port just because of some guys bitching on a forum clearly has issues that go well beyond being mildly harassed to release their source code.

    Deleting Eternity would be like cutting off my arm.

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    This is about the most immature thing I've ever seen in the world of software. I'm surprised that Graham hasn't already deleted his entire website by now.

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    Bye bye, hope you sink the the foulest part of the bottom of the turd pond. Not because of the license or source code, code theft or anything, but because you're too nancy to go on instead of just releasing the source or something and adding a whole bunch of "fuck you all" comments.

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    The author shouldnt cry if he gets beaten up for not keeping with the GPL.
    Its a licence like any else and i cant remember John Romero giving away the doom source under some BSD-like licence.

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    Bastet Furry said:

    The author shouldnt cry if he gets beaten up for not keeping with the GPL.
    Its a licence like any else and i cant remember John Romero giving away the doom source under some BSD-like licence.

    Doom *was* made available under another license prior to being GPL'ed. But yeah, I agree with you outside of that.

    The author either has a legal obligation to publish the source, or he doesn't. If he does (because he used the GPL'ed verson of the DOOM sources, for instance, or because he incorporated other GPL'ed code), well, he has only himself to blame; if he doesn't, well... then I'm not sure what his problem is. He made a decision, and he should be able to live with others not agreeing with that decision; either that, or just give in and release the source after all.

    The kind of stunt that's actually being pulled now is childish and immature, to say the least.

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    So let me get this straight. The author of Risen3D is shutting down his project, and deleting any traces of it just because some people on our forum hurt his feelings?

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    Craigs said:
    he author of Risen3D is shutting down his project, and deleting any traces of it just because some people on our forum hurt his feelings?

    His software has GPLed code in it; that means it has to be released or it is (at least) copyright infringement. Copyright infringement that does or may annoy the Doomsday team, open source supporters within the community, those who support transparency and the respect of authors in the community, id Software, and the Free Software Foundation. An annoyance could entail possible action in one way or another beyond discussion, especially since this issue has been going on for like 3 years.

    Closing or continuing the project is (or was, if its a definite choice they made) fully in the Risen3D team's hands, and they took one of the viable alternatives. Others being a proper release under the GPL, unless they could come up with some other sensible solution (and not just ignoring the problem or shutting themselves out).

    People who complain about the application of the GPL (a request by the a solid part of the community and a compliance by the Risen3D team in their own terms) may as well complain that linking to the DOOM IWADs isn't allowed here: The jerks, that due to "legalese" don't just let us all play DOOM entirely for free; such low standards!

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    Hahaha, this is comedy gold!

    Hopefully he'll read the licence the next time he decides to fork an open source project and make a closed one (as there are open source licenses that allow this).

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    leileilol said:

    But but it can play alien vendetta!

    And so can Doomsday. (admittedly it hasn't played that to well in the past.)

    Linguica said:

    t looks like the whiny GNU gestapo drew the authors into a flamewar and eventually got them to implode in a hissyfit. Richard Stallman wins again!

    Actully - the only "Author" seems to be Graham Jackson (see eg http://forums.newdoom.com/showthread.php?t=31432 where the team basically says we don't have code) - and we still have not heard from him.

    If the Risen3D team want to cut off their nose to spite their face, by all means go for it. It still does not excuse them from their obligations

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    Wow, this is so completely ridiculous. My brain can't even comprehend the reasoning behind putting in all that work into a source port, just to throw it all away in a hissy fit.

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    Psycho Siggi said:

    It's a pretty good front to continue Risen3D's development without hinderance now isn't it?

    Unfortunately impossible because he never released the source.

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    I think he meant that the original author put up the "abandoned" front to make people shut up while he kept working on it himself; not that somebody else could continue development.

    Which, now that I think about it, would be kind of a cunning move on his part.

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    THis is the funniest shit I've ever seen out of the doom community in a while. This rivals almost with the Killough incident.

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    Csonicgo said:

    THis is the funniest shit I've ever seen out of the doom community in a while. This rivals almost with the Killough incident.

    What exactly is the Killough incident?

    I know most of you think it's funny, but I think it's kind of a tragedy. I really don't care about the work Graham put into it I'll admit, but all the effort people made to make high quality wads for Risen3D will go to waste. Nobody will ever be able to play them.

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    Craigs said:

    What exactly is the Killough incident?

    I know most of you think it's funny, but I think it's kind of a tragedy. I really don't care about the work Graham put into it I'll admit, but all the effort people made to make high quality wads for Risen3D will go to waste. Nobody will ever be able to play them.

    That is a shame, and you know what, the only thing preventing this from happening would be if the freakin' source was available :)

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    entryway said:
    what is this?

    I think the noob (who probably wasn't even born yet back then) refers to when Lee Killough decided to discontinue coding Doom stuff because he was not interested in the apparent focus of the community.

    Psycho Siggi said:
    It's a pretty good front to continue Risen3D's development without hinderance now isn't it?

    Not on the Internet; they can't release betas unless they release the source, so few, if any, would be providing any community support by testing, appreciation, or input.

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    Craigs said:

    I know most of you think it's funny, but I think it's kind of a tragedy. I really don't care about the work Graham put into it I'll admit, but all the effort people made to make high quality wads for Risen3D will go to waste. Nobody will ever be able to play them.

    You could try them in Doomsday - there a fair chance they will work. DaniJ has done a lot of work on adding Boom compatiblity. If the map needs scripting, then it's a definite no.

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