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Everything posted by Tekmon

  1. Tekmon

    Melee Attack decorate Help

    Hello doom world forms, I'm trying to figure out a way my monster can dash toward it's target, and then melee it. Kind of like the lost soul homing toward it's target. I'll list the order I want it to happen. (Credit goes to Wild Wiesel for his Mech from the stanger, and curseder II from mutiny, I'm using his sprites and some of his scripts) Monster get's within melee range of a target Monster Dashes at target Monster Melees the target Here's My Script Melee: ROB2 a 10 A_FaceTarget ROB2 a 0 A_Playsound ("Mech/Dash") ROB2 a 2 a_Skullattack ROB2 a 2 A_Facetarget ROB2 a 2 A_meleeattack ROB2 a 6 Goto See My problem with my monster is when it dashes toward it's target, it's melee attack doesn't always hit. I'm still experimenting with it, and I'll let you all know how it turns out.
  2. Tekmon

    Melee Attack decorate Help

    I fixed it, Changed all of the Ticks to 0 :P, Silly me.
  3. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    I agree with you on that though, and don't worry about being off topic :), you're going to have that sooner or later in any post ;)
  4. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    Has anyone here read the book "Masters of Doom"? It talks about the History of ID, and of course, doom. I was my First True book I've read :P
  5. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    But I ask, how is it possbile for a video game(s) to cause you to become a physco. Is it inspiration? Nah, why would a game inspire you to kill people? I don't think its the games that cause it, I think its the people who play them, most of the cases I've heard of this kind of thing, these people have already gone down hill. Just my opinion though.
  6. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    I agree with you on that, Video Games, Anime, Manga, Movies, Books, Fan fiction, my Live action role play, it is my life. Plus, how else could we relive stress without blowing a zombies head off?
  7. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    John Remero was funny throughout the book :D
  8. I've already seen then ceejay :). Thanks for letting me know though ;)
  9. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    Thank you :)
  10. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    Cool :P
  11. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    I still have my doom 2 strategy guide :).
  12. Sounds like a cool Idea :P. I'll keep an eye on this post ^^.
  13. Tekmon

    Made a map

    I get it 4 Stars, pretty fun and challenging, though I had to cheat by using 5 stimpacks throughout the fights. And the Traps at the end caught me off guard. Pretty good make for 13 Hours Mionic :P Oh, and a tip for you guys trying to defeat the cyberdemon, go to just past the door to his area, crouch down in front of the switch he's gaurding (Stay just beyond the door though) and pump your rockets into him. Worked for me :P.
  14. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    I didn't know they made a flash animation series about this, need to watch this sometimes, thanks for sharing CODOR ;)
  15. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    I agree, I'm currently reading "Doom: Knee Deep in the Dead" Its a good book.
  16. Tekmon

    What Music Do You Listen To While Playing Doom?

    I have my own personal wad, which was designed for doom 2, a specific song is select for a level. For Example, Level 26 (The abandoned mines if I'm correct) Has an underground / Meritorious themed song. Level 7 (Dead Simple) Has a fast mute city remix, to make the battle seem epic lol.
  17. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    Try looking online through Barnes and noble, borders, or Amazon. You won't be disappointed.
  18. Tekmon

    Masters of Doom

    @dockreconmajor The book will get addicting once you start reading it :P