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About ArmouredBlood

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    Senior Member

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  1. I beat the first mission in story on very hard in Fzero GX. That was the only one I hadn't done, and I beat it by .005 seconds. It took 2 or 3 hours of hand pain (I don't play consoles much anymore) and heavy concentration. It has been at least 8 years since the game came out, and I just got the last thing I wanted to do in it. Yay.

    In other news, I have had a few ideas for maps but nothing really motivating. I think it's from a lack of musical interest - that usually gets me going. Should find some new midi artists to keep up on.

    I have a job (!) tutoring that is 4 hours a week and 15$ an hour ... yay end of college where I want to work but can't do what I want around my class schedule. How annoying. I will be done with requirements by January so things should go somewhere then.

    Waiting for the last Wheel of time book to come out, I think it's soon? January 8th apparently. Found a few good books lately but I want to go the library again tomorrow. I need to find the rest of the laundry series by stross, and wondering when SM Stirling will put something out again. Don't have the budget to buy much so it's all on the library.

    Joined a fantasy football league this September and been doing horrible in it due to some bad drafting, meh trading, and starting reggie bush for the last 5 weeks. Ugh. Newbie tip, never look for the most hilarious names to draft. Also know when division games are. And poor michael vick can't seem to catch a break. If you want some mind-numbing "why is this on the internet" look up manningface.

    I think League of Legends will not stop making champions and the winners will all be people who know their matchups. I don't know, I haven't played more than 10 games against AI though.

    Age of Mythology is awesome, but the hard difficulty makes things a bit annoying - I hate restarting something, even if it's only 5 minutes. Wasn't too bad when doing the Fzero run but it seriously stopped me from playing Kotor 1 all the way and is probably what stopped me from finishing ME2 and Dead space 2.

    Anyway, that's me for the last month or 3.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RestlessRodent


      Everything except pineapple (allergic) and anchovies/sardines (also allergic).

      And yes, pineapples cause me to get sick.

    3. hex11


      All the veggies. All of them! And one of those meats, maybe grilled chicken.
