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Posts posted by Altazimuth

  1. 11 hours ago, skillsaw said:

    Was looking to update -- did the dev build run? It's looking like the latest is still dated Apr 26.

    I've been trying to sort this out. Recent libpng updates have caused devbuilds to not work. I tried to fix it but failed to do so prior to the scheduled time last night. Hopefully it'll be sorted by next time. In the meantime have a manual build from me.



  2. It's live! The new DRDTeam build (about 19 hours from now) will have this officially in. Yes, I lied, I couldn't wait. Earlier today I made an important change that means that it scales far better with number of threads, both performance (faster) and CPU usage (lower). A sensible maximum at this stage is the number of physical cores your processor has. I did see some gains past that point on my 7950x but not that huge.

    I haven't tested this on a processor with E and P-cores and frankly I'm scared of what'll happen if I do.

  3. 7 hours ago, dpJudas said:

    I never finished it for GZD due to too many drawers to port for me to bother, but I can highly recommend implementing that optimization too if you're up to it. :)

    I gave a stab at an incredibly simplistic attempt but couldn't quite figure out how to resolve rendering issues easily enough to bother. It seemed like some sort of persistent data was causing sprites to not render in the zones between the render context where the load balancing was happening. I'll probably pester GooberMan when he's freer.

  4. Edward850 got a Steam Deck and his crap experience using it to play Eternity prompted me to drastically improve the out-of-the box controller experience for that. You could try a devbuild if you want, though there's still stuff that needs improving (certain numeric fields only take input via kb). Either way it's much better than it used to be.

  5. Yeah honestly for the guy who ironed out all these multithreading kinks I really don't know what I'm doing to a large degree. Initial set-up was based on Rum & Raisin code and then the vast majority of it was coming up with novel solutions to issues reported to me by ThreadSanitizer.

    It should be beared in mind there's no thread joining here, just setting an atomic bool to true and releasing of a semaphore (at which point the threads will spin). The whole communication between the threads happens on the render end here, and on the main thread's end here.

  6. 4 hours ago, dpJudas said:

    What are you synchronizing?

    Just the start/end of threaded rendering. I might be using terminology incorrectly here, to be fair. Any synchronising within the render threads should be at a minimum. All texture caching and such were moved outside rendering. Allocations are all for thread-local heaps, last I checked. There is a mutex for the global zone heap, but basically nothing uses it from within the render threads.

  7. 12 hours ago, Andromeda said:

    Maybe you could make it so it autodetects which amount of threads is needed for the best performance

    Not sure how I'd figure out how to do this. Would require some wide-scale rewrites and even with that done I'm not sure I'd be confident in any sort of heuristics I could use to figure out what the best thread count it.


    10 hours ago, ValveMercenary said:

    I couldn't think of a better wad to try with, so I just resorted to the ol' NUTS.WAD

    I think NUTS is largely slow due to just how many monsters are thinking, rather than being rendered. It's definitely a combo but IIRC the thinking takes up way more time, meaning that faster rendering isn't gonna help toooo much.

  8. Glad to hear of the perf improvement! Sadly as long as the synchronisation time increase per thread is so large it'll end up outweighing the gradually-decreasing gains from increasing the number of render threads. If there's any way that people think I might be able to improve this then I'd owe you a debt of gratitude if you informed me of it.

    In other news I uploaded another build, though this only really folds in fixes from master. Most of the rendering changes were to tidy things up and make more things const.

  9. 10 hours ago, skillsaw said:

    One possible issue with the menu:

    When using the left arrow key to set renderer threads to the maximum number from single threaded mode, renderer threads is set to 19 (max threads - 1) rather than maximum threads (20).

    Thanks for the report, fixed. Good to know it's running far better in Heartland. That was one of my targets, and some scenes really tested the performance. I won't generate a new build for solely this change just to keep things simpler in the case that there are crash reports to deal with soon.

    I'm half-tempted to make the contexts a number entry field to reduce the window recreation spam, but then there's no exact way to know the max thread count, and also number entry fields don't work if you're going controller-only which is something I've been trying to improve the experience for recently.

  10. 17 hours ago, rfomin said:

    Not yet, at least not in "Public Build 3".

    Are you sure you have Public Build 3? It's fixed in mine. Anyway, I will try and work on a hack to make Eternity behave the same as the rest of them. I already have one working, I just need to make sure it works properly.

    EDIT: It works properly in Eternity now.
