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Status Replies posted by Pieruskwurje

  1. (Insanitys edge) I use deltatouch  it says (pad a ) to start  I don't  know what button that is  I tried everything   so I'm unable to start via touchscreen  buttons 

    1. Pieruskwurje


      I've never used deltatouch before myself, but could it be expecting you to use a gamepad? The only input key you'd need is whatever the "use" equivalent is to get through cinematics (the same button you'd use to open doors, use buttons, etc). If it's the main menu you're stuck on I'm really not sure. I don't even have an android device to test on myself unfortunately.


      All I know is there's no special input keys that should be required beyond what you'd use for a normal GZDoom mod.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)
