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About jukenukem

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  1. Hiya. What's the command to achieve this in DECORATE? Thanks in advance.
  2. Actually, I found the problem. Setting the "lower" state to zero tics makes it crash. x.x How about that?
  3. Uh-oh... actually, that part works. The problem is, I made a... "super-pistol"... And it crashes when you die! Here's my new DECORATE.txt file: actor HellKnightIdiot : HellKnight replaces HellKnight { health 150 speed 13 states { Melee: Missile: BOS2 EF 8 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 8 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 2 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 2 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 1 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 1 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall goto See } } actor Pistol : DoomWeapon 5010 //The definition as of the development of Skulltag. { Game Doom Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Weapon.AmmoGive 20 Weapon.AmmoType "Clip" Obituary "$OB_MPPISTOL" // "%o was tickled by %k's pea shooter." +WEAPON.WIMPY_WEAPON Inventory.Pickupmessage "$PICKUP_PISTOL_DROPPED" // "Picked up a pistol." States { Ready: PISG A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: PISG A 0 A_Lower Loop Select: PISG A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: PISG A 4 PISG B 0 A_FireBullets (2, 0, 1, 20, "BulletPuff") PISG B 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/rocklx", CHAN_WEAPON) PISG B 6 A_GunFlash PISG C 10 PISG B 7 A_ReFire Goto Ready Flash: PISF A 7 Bright A_Light1 Goto LightDone PISF A 7 Bright A_Light0 Goto LightDone Spawn: PIST A -1 Stop } }
  4. I'm new to DECORATE! That works, but it still crashes. *cries* Thanks for trying.
  5. Yo. I replaced the Hell Knight with a Hell Knight that shoots multiple times instead of just once when it attacks. But this somehow crashes ZDoom and GZDoom. actor HellKnightLol : HellKnight replaces HellKnight { spawnid 113 obituary "%o was splayed by a Hell Knight." hitobituary "%o was gutted by a Hell Knight." health 150 -BOSSDEATH radius 24 height 64 mass 1000 speed 13 painchance 50 seesound "knight/sight" painsound "knight/pain" deathsound "knight/death" activesound "knight/active" MONSTER +FLOORCLIP states { Spawn: BOS2 AB 10 A_Look loop See: BOS2 AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase loop Melee: Missile: BOS2 EF 8 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 8 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 2 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 2 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 1 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall BOS2 EF 1 A_FaceTarget BOS2 G 1 A_BruisAttack // See BaronBall goto See Pain: BOS2 H 2 BOS2 H 2 A_Pain goto See Death: BOS2 I 8 BOS2 J 8 A_Scream BOS2 K 8 BOS2 L 8 A_NoBlocking BOS2 MN 8 BOS2 O -1 A_BossDeath stop Raise: BOS2 ONMLKJI 8 goto See } } Plz halp.
  6. jukenukem

    Increasing the resolution of sprites in ZDoom?

    Scale works perfectly. Thanks. :3
  7. Hiya. I took a look at the sprites.wad of Harmony and noticed that all the sprites are 2x bigger than the normal Doom sprites. No wonder they looked really good. Whenever I edit sprites in XWE and view them in GZDoom, they all appear huge. How do I achieve the effect Harmony had? Thx in advance.
  8. jukenukem

    MY FIRST MAP!!!!! :o

    That was intentional! :D I wanted you to have to take them down with spare rockets or, failing that, the super-shotgun when the cells ran out. You need a port with jumping to get the rocket-launcher. Thanks for the demo. :3
  9. jukenukem

    MY FIRST MAP!!!!! :o

    Did you guys find all the secrets? :D
  10. Hiya. I finally finished a map. It took me all weekend to make. ;-; Someone play it plz. ;-; Thx. I intended it to be played with a port that has a good mouselook feature and jumping, so run it in GZDoom or EDGE! That's all. Try find all the secrets! I hope you like it! :o http://markno2.110mb.com/firstmap.wad (only 66KB)
  11. jukenukem

    How do you make an invisible wall in DB?

    Thanks guys! I finally figured it out using that example. Now can anyone tell me how I can choose which sky texture to use? Sorry. Last question, I swear. >.<
  12. jukenukem

    How do you make an invisible wall in DB?

    No responses yet. ;-; Well, I figured out I could just leave the wall untextured, and it works in ZDoom, but I'm worried this will cause compatibility issues or something with other ports. D: Someone say something. ;-;
  13. Hiya. I am a newbie to Doom Builder. I'm trying to make an outdoors level, so I set the ceilings to F_SKY but I can't make the outer walls invisible. Please halp! EDIT: I'm using Doom2 format!