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About baronofheck82

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  1. As I type this I've had a few beers (as well as a few other chemicals). My question to you is this: what was the most fucked up you've ever been?
    For me it was definitely year 22, back in '04. I went to this party and there was beer seemingly without end and weed seemingly without end as well. Me being me, I partook of both very liberally and was so fucked up I couldn't keep my eyes open (or my bladder closed, cause I had to take a piss every four fucking minutes) or make the mile and a half drive back to my house (back when I was still living with my mom and dad). From what my friends told me who were there, and there were a few, I couldn't keep my mouth closed. To this day they go on and on about the subjects I talked about that night. Anything and everything, I've been told. I got there around eight that night and by nine o' the clock I couldn't tell the difference between up and down ;P
    Ah, back in the good old days :D

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    2. spank


      Drunk? Too many times to count... And too many times, too much to have memorized anything. But I've also had fun.

      Apart from a bunch of drunken black-outs (which I really regret and don't really count as being shitfaced), this particular time boozing/smoking stood with me. At my company's annual retreat last year. It wasn't particularly overwhelming (after a few years getting used to pot and booze it never is), but it certainly was different. I had a bunch of glasses of red wine at dinner, enough to make me tipsy, then some tokes on a couple of weed joints that were being passed around. I don't know if the weed was especially evil or if it was just the synergy with the booze, but when I got up, went to my hotel room (because I was too lost in mind chatter to care about anything) and then looked at the bathroom mirror, I didn't see myself. I mean, I saw my body, but I didn't see myself. It was odd as fuck.

      Next stop, MDMA! For my terrible social anxiety issues and lack of self-respect. Also, Black Swan fantasy.

    3. spank


      bytor said:

      Then there was the time that I ate too much Blotter...

      Do tell...

    4. Coopersville


      Hard to say...

      Drinking - Probably my 21st birthday. Legendary amounts of beer and jagbombs consumed to the point where I didn't know how to properly hand over ID by the time I reached my last bar, followed by a minute-long stream of vomit.

      There was also a beach party this summer where I quickly drank half a bottle of Jagermeister and some rum, to later run along the coast completely naked and burn down a fallen tree.

      Percocets - Took those for a week after having four wisdom teeth removed. I don't remember most of that week, except for hallucinating and seeing the Grunge Kid crawling across my bedroom walls at one point.

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