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About geekmarine

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  1. So, I've recently gotten involved with Twitter... Not posting, mind you, I primarily just use it for keeping up to date with a few Internet celebrities I follow... well, IRL celebrities too, but this is mainly about Internet celebrities. I got into Twitter because it kept me updated on people I followed who'd posted new videos, and it was fun to see their random thoughts, as well.

    Recently, however, a person I followed on Twitter basically had a complete meltdown. I sympathize with him, and I understand what led up to it, but at the same time, all I can think is, "If I had just not followed him on Twitter, I'd be blissfully unaware of all of this." And really, I don't care about his personal problems, or at least I don't need to know about them. I love his movie and video game reviews, but I don't want to get involved with his personal life.

    It's not that I don't have sympathy - he's had hard times, and he suffers from clinical depression. I get that. It's just, all I can think is, if it weren't for Twitter, I wouldn't be emotionally caught up in his problems, and while that sounds horrible, I think that's appropriate when dealing with even minor celebrities. I just keep thinking that in some way, the Internet is ruining that concept.

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    2. AndrewB


      40oz said:

      but if I read one more "I have work today" or "omg i love my boyfriend/girlfriend" post I'll stop speaking to that person forever.

      I think I've said this before. Whenever someone whines about how Facebook sucks, it's generally not Facebook that's the problem, it's the person's social circle.

    3. Csonicgo


      AndrewB said:

      I think I've said this before. Whenever someone whines about how Facebook sucks, it's generally not Facebook that's the problem, it's the person's social circle.

      Wow look I'm agreeing with AndrewB. but in 40oz's case, I think it's just him.

    4. Tango


      i'm friends with a lot of people on facebook that i "know" but wouldn't really consider in my social circle. definitely not an uncommon practice among kids my age.

      some of these people i generally don't have a problem with, but when they use facebook to say retarded things, i still partially blame facebook. not because of facebook itself i suppose, but just because of what so many people have degraded it into
